Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Convert MS Excel to SQL Server

Converting Excel database spreadsheets to a MS SQL Server database provides a far more structured, more repeatable approach for business critical processes. Excel spreadsheets provide infinite flexibility, but at the cost of bad data, and the cost of managing a distributed application that is intended for just one or a few users.  SQL Server database supports well-structured data, and repeatable, high quality data and workflow processes, with unlimited number of concurrent End Users. The good news is that PCA can migrate your Excel spreadsheets to MS SQL Server, and make your Excel Application more structured, while preserving the original functional integrity of the original MS Excel spreadsheet.

       Comparison of MS Excel to SQL Server:


MS Excel
SQL Server
None (Email)
Process-flow defined
Concurrent Updates
No (Single User)
Yes (Multiple, concurrent Users)
One password fits all
Role-based privileges
Version Issues
High (file data stamp)
Low (date and email comparisons)
High (full audit trail)
Data Integrity
Low (somewhat constrained)
Highly constrained
Data Capacity
Data Structures
Flat: 2-dimensions
Relational: 3-dimensions

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