Monday, January 25, 2010

Creating a SharePoint Site

    To create a SharePoint site, you must be a member of a site group that has the Create Subsites permission. This permission is included by default in the Full Control permission level. If you don't have the necessary permission, contact your server administrator.
  1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Web Site.
  2. In the Specify the location of the new Web site box, type the location where you want to create the new site, including a name for the site.
    Web Site tab of New dialog box
    For example, you might type http://My_Server/My_Site as the URL of your new SharePoint site.  By default, Office SharePoint Designer 2007 suggests both a location and a name for the new site that are based on the site most recently opened. You may want to change either the location or the name, or both.

  3. In the leftmost pane, click the category of template that you want to create.
    If you click SharePoint Templates, the list of available templates is retrieved from the server. At this point, you may be prompted to enter your user name and password to log on to the server.
      The list of SharePoint site templates is retrieved from the current server. When you connect to another server, you may see more, fewer, or other templates, depending on which ones the server administrator has made available.
  4. In the center pane, click the template that you want to use to create your site.
  5. If you want to add the new site to the current site — as folders in the current site, and not as a separate site — select the Add to current Web site check box. This check box is available only when you already have a site open.
      Because this option applies the selected template to the current site, you can use the option only if no other template is already applied. For example, you cannot add a new site that you create from the Team Site template to a site that was created from the Blank Site template. In such a case, the only way to apply a new template is to delete the site and then re-create it based on another template.
  6. If you want to use encrypted connections, select the Use Encrypted Connection (SSL) check box.
  7. Click OK.
    If you have chosen Import Web Site Wizard in the General category, the Import Web Site Wizard opens. Remember that the Import Web Site Wizard uses the Publishing feature, which cannot copy or move SharePoint content such as lists or libraries. Therefore, you cannot use the wizard to import a SharePoint site.
  8. The new site is created on the server.