Thursday, October 29, 2009

Resources for SharePoint Developers


SharePoint Developer Introduction for .NET Developers

SharePoint 2007 Videos and Webcasts

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog

Best Practices Resource Center for SharePoint 2007 (NEW)

SharePoint Practice and Guidance

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interview Questions on Sharepoint

This are the some of the interview questions on SharePoint

1.  Overview of Project?

2.  MOSS 2007 Workflows experience? 

3. MSCOE work 

4. Describe last Project you did 

5. Your role in the Project? 

6. Most significant recent Projects in .NET technology 

7. Windows services vs WCF 

8. What is Service Endpoint? 

9. What is ASMX vs. WCF? 

10. What is View state Object? 

11. A) Have you worked with Master Page? 

    B) How to define Master Types, How to Access Master page properties in content pages.

12. ON a content page, how do you put Master page? 

13. What is a Strong Name? And its significance?

14. What is GAC? 

15. Where do you find GAC info? 

16. Have you worked with Generics in C#? 

17. What is an Abstract class? 

18. What have you done in SharePoint? 

19. Have you worked with Features in SharePoint?  Why features are used?

20. Where are the Documents being created in SharePoint? 

21. Which events are handled? What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous events?

22. How you handled sessions and why?

23. What are Caml queries? 

24. What is a web part? 

25. In .NET, what is User Control? 

26. What is the difference between web part and user control? 

27. What are the main building blocks, when you create a custom field control? 

    Why we use custom field control, advantage over web part? How custom field helps in customization?

28. Have you worked on JavaScript? 

29. Do you know the declaration syntax of Arrays and classes in JavaScript? 

30. Which versions of SQL Server have you worked on? 

31. Worked with Integrated SQL Reporting Service with MOSS?